Getting ready at 3pm every day sounds good and it is! On this page, you will find everything you need in one place to apply the tips from the book “Time savings – Get ready at 3pm every day”.

How incredibly nice that you bought our book. ‘Saving time – Finished by 3pm every day’ promises you higher productivity and more peace of mind thanks to practical tips.

To help you put these tips into practice, we have made a number of instructional videos and assignments. You will find them listed on this page in one handy overview.

Watch the videos, implement it and in no time you’ll be back on top of things and that feeling of

“I have been very busy today, but don’t ask me what exactly I have been doing?”

disappeared like snow in the sun!

  1. Welcome
  2. Tip Rocketbook
  3. Tip Braintoss
  4. Tip Go fucking work
  5. Tip 1 on 1 list
  6. Tip Custom table
  7. Tip Time management system
  8. Tip Miniscrum
  9. Tip Launch Outlook in calendar
  10. Tip Collection places
  11. Tip Using Onenote and Evernote
  12. Tip Change email subject line
  13. Tip Using Scannable
  14. Tip Delayed sending
  15. Tip Using Textexpander
  16. Tip Zero measurement of speed reading
  17. Tip Practice text speed reading
  18. Tip Creating a mind map

Getting started!


What can you expect with what you learn in this book?

Tip 2 Rocketbook

One of our favourite tools is the Rocketbook. A durable notepad that you can digitise very easily. See how to use it in a smart way for all your notes and notes.

Tip 3 Braintoss

Our brains are not made to remember everything in between. It is extremely distracting. That is why Braintoss is a brain safety net that you always have with you. Need to quickly write something down, type it in or take a picture of something? It’s all possible. Braintoss drops it straight into your mailbox so you can pick it up later. Head empty & impossible to forget. Great!

Tip 4 Go fucking work

You were busy and suddenly, without noticing, you are on a site that has completely absorbed your attention. A news site, social media or youtube. You don’t want to but it happens anyway. And the time? It slips through your hands. So does your motivation, for that matter. How do you stop yourself from doing that? Install this confrontational plugin.

Tip 5 1 on 1 list

A lot of the interruptions we fire at each other are caused by the fact that we simply fear it won’t come back later. We have no good way of managing it. Or no sense. A 1-to-1 list helps with this. Not only does it give you peace of mind, your colleagues will thank you too. Besides, it is also much more professional. See how you set it up.

Tip 6 Custom table

Learning new habits? Make sure it doesn’t feel like a challenge you can fail at. Start small and gradually build it up. Focus not on the challenge but on the routine. This is much more efficient than going heavy right away and falling back into your old pattern in no time. Do it this way.

Tip 7 Time management system

One lightweight time management system. With the emphasis on one and lightweight. One place where you can manage all your appointments, projects, focal points and actions. A system that is simple yet effective. In this extra-long video, we show you step by step how to set it up.

Tip 8 Miniscrum

Do you often leave big jobs to the last minute and get into trouble regularly as a result? Not fine. Often this is because we only start making concrete at the last minute what exactly is expected of us and what we need to do to achieve it. Often, this disappoints. It turns out to be more work, we turn out to need more time and we find out too late that we are dependent on others. How do you avoid this? Do a ‘mini-scrum‘. A simple way to set big jobs in motion in good time.

Tip 9 Launch Outlook in calendar/a>

One of the main reasons Outlook is so distracting? Simple: when you launch it to go to your calendar or to-do list, you are immediately in your mailbox and distracted by what is adjusting there. Apply this one simple solution.

Tip 10 Collection places

A lightweight system is nothing without knowing where new tasks are coming in. That is why it is important to visualise your collection points and organise them well. This not only saves a lot of time. Above all, it gives a lot of peace of mind.

Tip 11 Using Onenote en Evernote

Do you want to digitise all your receipts, warranties, key documents and deeds and then be able to find them easily? Yes? Then you should definitely check out Evernote and Onenote. In this video, we show you how they help make your life easier.

Tip 12 Change email subject line

Do you often search all over the place for emails and every search ends in a mess of results that are almost identical? That sounds time-consuming. Apply this tip and you will find your mails in no time.

Tip 13 Using Scannable

If there is one scanning app that is better than all the others it is Scannable as far as we are concerned. Evil tongues claim that this is the only reason Björn traded in his Android for an iPhone after all.

Tip 14 Delayed sending

Working evenings and weekends? It’s allowed. That’s the freedom you have. But: emailing people in the evening or on weekends? That doesn’t come across. You’re sending the wrong message. Hit ‘send without sending’ with this tip.

Tip 15 Using Textexpander

Do you often type the same texts/emails/passages? Then you lose a lot of time typing and probably also searching. With this tool, that is a thing of the past!

Tip 16 Zero measurement of speed reading

Of course, before we get started with speed reading, you want to know how fast you read now and how well you read.

  1. Set a timer.
  2. Read this text.
  3. Kijk op je timer hoe lang je erover deed.
  4. Check in this table what your speed was
  5. Make these questions without looking back in your text.
  6. Multiply your reading speed in WPM by the percentage of questions you got right and you know your effective reading speed.

Tip 17 Practice text speed reading

And now again but with the quick-read technique.

  1. Set a timer again.
  2. Read this text.
  3. Check your timer to see how long it took you.
  4. Check in this table what your speed was
  5. Make these questions without looking back in your text.
  6. Multiply your reading speed in WPM by the percentage of questions you got right and you know your effective reading speed.

Tip 18 Creating a mind map

Creating a mind map: the perfect way to work out a complex project, make a summary, manage your research or just have a good time brainstorming about a complex project. Countless books have been written about it. Please don’t go reading those. In this short video we explain how the technique works.

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